Maybe? Liability Disclaimer
The views, opinions, bios, FAQs, and song list do not necessarily reflect those of the band, its management, sane people everywhere, Tom Cruise, the Catholic Church, Star Trek fans, the creators of South Park, the French government, quail-hunting politicians, draft dodgers, talk radio hosts, stand-up comedians, or indeed, any humanoid creature on Earth or any other hospitable planet either living or dead. Any resemblance to actual thoughts is purely coincidental.
Furthermore, we disavow the knowledge of the existence of groupies, members of the cult of Maybe, and toy poodles. If you have contact with a person claiming to stalk the band and follow its every move, please contact the CIA, FBI, or KFC immediately as there is a provision in the Patriot Act which classifies such activities as a threat to national security and to the 11 secret herbs and spices.